How to register/change "MyJALCARD authentication code"?
After logging in to MyJALCARD, click on "New Registration/Forgotten/Re-register" to complete the procedure.
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[About MyJALCARD authentication code] ●MyJALCARD authentication code is a number that you enter to confirm your identity when using MyJALCARD services. ●Family member can also register the MyJALCARD authentication code in the same way as for the primary member . ●This is different from the JAL Mileage Bank password and credit card PIN number (4 digits). ●Please specify a combination of 8 to 16 digits, including all 4 half-width uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols easy to remember by yourself. (example) Configurable "JALcard@2016" "#$%JALcard123" Cannot be set "jalcard@2016"...Cannot be set because it does not contain uppercase letters. "JALcard123"...Cannot be set because it does not contain a symbol. *Please do not register the registration example as is. Please register your own alphanumeric characters and symbols. *The following symbols can be used. [ ] , / ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + . - : ; < = > ? @ \ ^ _ { }